The newly appointed Executive team has engaged with our growing number of members and co- produced our mission, objectives & values, our purpose, and benefits. The Executive team has established the national structure including executive leads for the majority of regions across the The United Kingdom. BINA has been proactive in ensuring the Executive members represent the various cultural heritage and gender profiles of Nurses and Indian regions.
Primarily BINA formed to provide the much-needed voice for the nurses of Indian origin within the UK healthcare system. There are more than 24,000 nurses of Indian origin in NMC register (a second highest group of non-EEA representation), and the numbers continue to grow. Over 3000 nurses have joined the UK within the last 12 months. BINA ideally placed to understand the specific issues faced by our Indian nursing workforce across the country. Indian Nurses representation at Executive Board and senior-level is currently very low. There are many health inequalities, which remain both workforce and patient services (access and service delivery). Newly arriving Indian nurses face many challenges, which add to anxiety and the pressure of arriving into a new country and settling into a new environment combined with the process of registration.
BINA members are passionate about the BAME support networks and many had strong links with the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion leads in many NHS organisations. We are currently creating a network of support in order to nurture and develop the skills Indian nurses have. Offer support with coaching, mentoring to improve their interviewing skills. Provide pastoral support to the newly arriving Nurses from India by working in partnership with NHSE/I, HEE, NHS organisations, voluntary sectors of faith groups, local culture-based associations to make them “feel Like Home”.
We have a strategic vision to strengthen the pastoral support that offered by BINA members at a local/regional level. Plan to have BINA members at every hospital and private health care sectors, to work in partnership with BAME networks already addressing the inclusion agenda. We are delighted that we have leaders from Management, Clinical, Academic, Research and corporate sectors to offer the support what the BINA members may require for their personal and professional development.
Contact: Email- admin@binauk.org
BINA Executive Committee